Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank God (part II)

God blessed us with a new home! I included the link here in case you care to look at pictures or info. I thought it looked nicer in person, plus we get to get a dog. Katie was really happy about it, so that helped sell me. We have been praying for months that one, we'd get out of our lease, two, that we could get a specific dog (that still hasn't been "adopted" yet), and three, that would could find a place that pretty much fits the description that this place does. Prayer does work, even when it's just for things we want. Anyway, thank God again for blessing us so much!

Our new home! (Go to "Property" and search for MLS #317731)


At 1/31/2007 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new place!! I looks really nice. I'm so glad God answers prayers so quickly and supplies our needs. How great! I can't wait to come see you guys and the new place in person!

At 1/31/2007 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - it looks amazing! I like that even your dog could have it's own bathroom. When do you get to move in?

At 1/31/2007 12:32 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...

I think we're moving in this weekend. Katie couldn't stop talking about how much she loved it when we left. It was hard for me to decide on a place because, one, I'm a perfectionist, and two, I've been looking for places for months (cause we were originally thinking of buying). I've found that when you look for something for a really long time, when you finally make a decision, it can be hard to really feel good about it right away because you've put so much work into it - kind of like the downer after winning the Super Bowl.

Anyway, it was certainly an answer to prayer, and the location is great because it's much closer to my work. Unfortunately, it's also farther from the beach and all the niceties of East Pensacola (where the good mall and all the good stores are), as well as farther from church. But, I'll be able to be home with my wife a whole lot more, so it's certainly worth it!

At 1/31/2007 7:03 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...

Update: We're moving in on the 16th. We're praying that the dog we want is still available then. We went to see him today, but they won't hold dogs for people unfortunately. A lot of people have tried "adopting" him and ended up returning him - not because of the dog, but because they were bad owners (i.e., kids wouldn't play with him, he was too energetic [except he's still under a year old], etc.).

At 1/31/2007 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris: Congrats on the house! You'll feel good knowing that I'm currently paying more per month for my apartment in DC than you'll be paying for your house! However, I also plan on moving within the next couple of months, and hope to reduce my rent substantially as a result. What about getting a monkey?


At 1/31/2007 8:53 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Cute dog. I think he looks like a shepherd/rottweiler mix. I hope you get him! I like your new house too.

At 1/31/2007 11:51 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


Nancy Pelosi has already been "adopted" by the House, so unfortunately, we cannot get her. She would make a good pet, though.


He might have a little of both, but his personality seems more friendly than both those breeds. You'd know more than I would, but I think he has some hound (or whatever category beagles are in) in him. He really does look different in person. Regardless, do you have any advice as to how to train him? He's 11 months and hasn't been trained much at all, although he's really good around people (including children, plus I tried grabbing his neck behind the ears and doing some other minor things that usually bug dogs and he didn't seem to get upset) so we're concerned more with discipline rather than friendliness. Any advice would help.

Update: I think the house has been taken off the MLS list, so if you can't see it, you'll just have to come down and visit :). I know Navigators is coming down here again in March. Maybe you could jump in as a volunteer helper.

At 1/31/2007 11:54 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...

Oh, and they thought maybe he had some lab. They're really not sure.

At 2/01/2007 6:49 PM, Blogger Sam said...


I think he looks like he's part rottie because to me it looks like he has a boxy head, muscular chest, and the black and rust coloring. However, he could have just been standing at a weird angle in the picture or was just in the awkward juvenile phase when the picture was taken. Shepherds and Rotties have a bad rap, I have met many very nice purebreds of both. The behavior is mostly based on those early months and how many people/situations they have been exposed to. It's good you messed with him a little to test his temperment; you can ask the shelter if they temperment tested him too (although he's probably okay based on what you've said). If you guys get him, give me a call if you need any training advice or anything else like that. I would love to visit. Actually, I am going to Uganda this summer through Christian Vet Missions with some vet students from the University of Florida. I am flying down a few days before we leave for Africa to get to know the students better, so maybe I can work in a visit to Pensacola. Have fun in your new house!

At 2/01/2007 6:59 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


You're always welcome here! That's really neat to hear of your trip to Africa, where you get to minister to all the African Americans (I don't call them "black" because that's offensive :) ). The University of West Florida is in Pensacola, but you're just going to UF (not "FU", but that would be funny), so you'll probably be far from where we are.

I appreciate your advice about the dog. He's been in a ton of different homes and exposed to many different situations, so that's probably a good thing. Like I said, a few people have tried to get him, but he has a lot of energy, so everyone brings him back. One family had some kids that played with him for a day, then the kids lost interest so they brought him back. Another older couple was upset that he jumped on their furniture the first day (but he's never been formally trained, so I don't see why he wouldn't) and brought him back the next. I like shepherds for their discipline and strength (I want something to protect Katie and, later, a family), but need to be careful because we also want a very friendly dog. I don't know too much about rottweilers. Are they similar to shepherds in attitude, etc.?

At 2/02/2007 7:36 PM, Blogger Sam said...


Both shepherds and rotties are fiercely loyal, but I've found some of them to have a suspicious personality (i.e. unsure of certain people). I personally like shepherds better, but that's just me and I've met some rottweilers that are just big babies that wouldn't hurt anyone. The socialization period for dogs is age 4-16 weeks, so that is the best time to expose them to all sorts of people, places, situations, other animals, etc. It might be hard to know what your dog went through during the socialization stage. However, you can continue to work with a dog at any age and most of them do just fine. Like you said, he needs some good training so if you get him it would be good to enroll him in obedience classes. As for Florida I thought I could maybe fly in by where you guys live to visit before meeting with the UF students. I'm not sure though because some travel agent guy through Christian Vet Missions is booking our flight.

At 2/02/2007 8:28 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


That would be great! You're more than welcome.

By "unsure of certain people" do you mean black people? Is that cause you're a racist?

At 2/10/2007 9:10 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Oh no, I'm not a racist. I can't wait to go to Uganda and help out the "Triple AAAs" (African-American Africans).


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