Monday, December 04, 2006

It's a Cold One

Tonight they're forcasting it will be a "hard freeze" - that the temperature will be "below 26 degrees for a couple hours." It's all over the news - the top story, in fact - and they keep talking about what we need to buy to keep our pipes from freezing and keeping ourselves warm. Our apartment complex has a big sign up telling us to keep our water running overnight. Right now, it's 40 degrees, which is described as "COLD!" (at least what the TV said)....


I'm wearing a T-shirt as I write this...


At 12/04/2006 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... wind chill is in the negative here, and people just think it's a bit chilly.

Poor Floridianins...

At 12/05/2006 12:06 AM, Blogger Jordan said...

All the people in FL probably think you are a robot. That's the only possible way to explain how you could survive this horrifying climate change. QUICK PUT MORE CO2 INTO THE AIR. Do your part to stop global cooling (I'm doing mine). Not only must you run water over night to keep your pipes from freezing, local authorities have determined that you must leave your vehicles running overnight to prevent the world from turning into a dead ball of ice!!!!!!!! I'm worked into a hysterical state of mind (this is the cue for federal funding)!

At 12/05/2006 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris-In DC today, it was 40 degrees, and I was the only one without a heavy winter jacket on. There were actually people with scarves on! However, I did feel a chill when Paul Begala and James Carville walked in the same restaruant I was in for lunch. Clinton wasn't with them. I couldn't have eaten if he was.


At 12/05/2006 11:28 AM, Blogger Chris Hill said...

Jed... wow, that's a combination for disaster. I take it you didn't try talking with them. Did you ever see the SNL Hardball skit with Begala? It's one of the funniest things I've seen... at least it was funny when Begala had a TV show.

At 12/05/2006 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

generic cold weather comment


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