John Kerry is an Idiot
Keep commenting on my previous posts. I have to speak to this, though.
John Kerry (did you know he served in Vietnam?) said this yesterday:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it - you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart - you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." *Wow... This really pisses me off. The military turns many people away all the time because they aren't smart enough. I guess my masters degree shows that I'm just not, you know, well educated. I'll let Kerry know when I get sent to Iraq someday (which is a good chance).
Does he not know that the majority of the military is made up of young men and women who grew up in middle class homes - many of whom get college degrees while in the military (or in commissioning programs like ROTC or the Academies)? Kerry knows the military about as good as I know the Massachusetts freeway system (cause I was in Boston once). This is just like the argument that says that the military targets minorities for recruiting, without realizing that the military is predominantly white, and it wants a better representation of the American population.
John Kerry is an idiot. I thank God he didn't become President.
*Links: 1, 2
Chris, I agree with you mostly about the make up of the Army at least...and I certainly do not want to defend Kerry...but he does speak some truth.
Of course your experience would not reflect his overly stated observation. As an enlisted guy, I can say that maybe half of my basic training class was made up of 'last-chance' folks who had no other option for a decent life. The same can be said of many Minnesotan enlisted soldiers as well. Many of these kids were/are poor while others just 'goofed-around' too much.
While these soldiers are certainly in the minority among the military as a whole there are certain sectors of military life where Kerry's comments ring true...although, I am not sure what political purpose his comment serves and any implication that these soldiers are not smart (which I don’t believe Kerry intended to imply) would be blatantly false.
As you know, I am not big on political rhetoric or using hyped factoids to frame an opponent (as I suspect Kerry was attempting to do).
Chris-imagine how the families of fallen soldiers feel when they hear garbage like this. And why aren't the leaders of the Democratic Party speaking out and condemning Kerry for his remarks? Where's Jim Webb? Where's Harry Reid? Where's Hillary Clinton? Where's Nancy Pelosi? They're not saying anything because they agree with him! This is our Democratic Party today, a party which must be politically destroyed and kept as far away from power as possible. That's their goal for the right.
I certainly believe what you say is true, but it begs the question: is the percentage of uneducated (those Kerry refered to) members of the military any different from that of the rest of the population? My guess (and it has been shown by statistics that I don't have available right now) is that the military has a higher education rate than the general population. I don't believe Kerry's statement had overall validity, as shown by his attempt to do a little CYA.
FYI, CYA = Cover Your ... uh... Butt
About 25% of the U.S. population has at least a four year college degree.
And your point?
By the way, Brett, did you reduce the picture size on your blog? I'm scared to go there because it will take too long to load.
The point is someone asked how many people in the U.S. had college degrees. From what I understand, it's about a quarter of the general population.
Also, I don't believe that having college degrees necessarily means one is educated. The left has largely ruined education, specifically the humanities and social sciences, by imposing their confused values on it. You can't educate if political correctness, moral relativism, hyper tolerance, diversity and equality are your guiding principles.
John Kerry meant this as a joke about the pres - not the military, or at least that's what he said. So, I guess we can add "botched jokes" to the list of why he's an idiot.
I have to disagree with the "joking around" argument. John Kerry said something stupid and then tried to cover it up. Now that he is trying to cover it up even more by saying something like that... That just makes him doubly more of an idiot.
Sorry, I didn't know that was you, Jed. I thought it might have been some liberal from some other blog trying to defend Kerry. Anyway, the issue regarding comparing the military to the general population has to be weighed against others of the same age (and perhaps where they're from: urban/suburbs, which state, etc.). So the 25% doesn't really work because it takes the entire population, when the military is made up mostly of 18-24 year olds (I think the avg. age is somewhere around 19 or 20).
The picture in the second link you provided of the troops holding up the sign is brilliant.
I was going to try to be witty but the lack of sleep from the drive has specifically disabled that part of my brain I think.
My friend Jed (who has commented here) just sent me this:,2933,226490,00.html
Jed also sent me this:
It is both hilarious and sad.
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