Badgers must die
I was watching Animal Planet last night as I flipped through channels, and there was a special on badgers. The show talked about how "humans persecuted badgers" over the centuries. Being as this was the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time, I would like to call for the brutal murder of all badgers. Hang them, torture them... I don't really care. Just persecute the crap out of them, then kill them. That will make me very happy. Thank you.
Chris, I wish I could personally thank you for leading this important initiative against the badger pandemic that has been assailing mankind for so long. Our species simply cannot coexist. Unfortunately they will not stop until we are all dead--so we have no choice but to kill them all first.
Also, you are very pretty.
Badgers kill children!
Except this badger kills gophers, too.
I'm all for you killing badgers honey. You should really start a club or something. I would probably join purely by default because of my excellent driving skills and my unwavering ability to hit animals crossing the road without even trying. Its a gift, really. :)
And p.s. I love you!
Happy birthday Chris. May this year be as filled with badger-killing as the last.
Happy birthday Chris. May this year be as filled with badger-killing as the last.
I confess. I don't really dislike badgers at all (except those nasty smelling Wisconsin students). I just think that it was a really really really gay thing to say. Not all the Germans supported Hitler, but they still got bombed. In the same way, I'm afraid badgers need extermination, not because of what they did, but because someone said some of the dumbest crap I've ever heard.
Happy Birthday, bro!
Here's video for your birthday.
your all horrible!!!!!!!
bagers are cute, and indangered species. we should be proteting them not killing them!!
i think you are sick to wont them dead..
sorry but thats my personal opion.
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