Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is a day late. I didn't initially mean that on purpose, but in retrospect now I do. This is not a remembrance of 9/11. This is a remembrance of the war we are currently in. Radical Islamists attacked the United States 5 years ago. They did not attack as a foreign army. They did not focus on military targets. They did not attack over land dispute. They did not attack because of politics. They attacked because they hate us. They attacked because they cannot live in a world where everyone isn't a Muslim. They focused and attacked unarmed civilians - daddies, mommies, sons, daughters, acquaintances, best friends, grandpa and grandma, grandchildren... They are evil. Their ideology is evil. They declared war on us. And we are now at war with them. Disagree with tactics or strategy if you like. It does not change that we are at war.

To remember what these people did, here are some pictures of what happened. Do not forget what they did. Do not give up the fight for justice. We will win if our resolve is strong. Evil will be defeated. This is evil and we have been called to fight it. That task which God has given us must not be taken lightly. We must not give up. "Never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill

Remember this picture. This is what evil does. Evil killed this innocent person - this daddy or mommy, or perhaps just someone's best friend. Remember them. And remember what evil does.


At 9/13/2006 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking through some pictures from that day too. I saw this:


This guy got up in the morning, picked out some clothes to wear and went to work, never in a million years thinking that he'd shortly be jumping off the very building he's been routinly going through the doors of for years.


At 9/13/2006 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, Chris. What's scary is that there's a substantial number of people in this country who can't call these people evil. Most, but not all, reside on the left. As we know, when one fails to identify and fight real evil, one will fight non-evil, such as president Bush. The left's unwarranted, unjustified and insane hatred of Bush far exceeds any hatred they have of the terrorists. I don't think the terrorists make distinctions between liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, or Bush supporter or Bush hater. I wish those on the left understood this. If they did, they would join the fight, rather than fight us as we fight.

At 9/13/2006 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... perhaps they choose to hate/fight the things they do instead of terrorism because they know they have the freedom to without fear of repercussion. They'll never have to worry about getting killed or their cushy lifestyles taken away if they stand up to complain about bush, but muslim extremists have no problem taking it to them.

Plus, they still get to show that they're "good people" because they're not just sitting idly by - they're taking a stand! Best of both worlds: never have to worry about losing anything you like but still trick people into thinking that you're brave.

Hmmm... better stop before I end up with a graduate degree.

At 9/13/2006 2:11 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


You actually have to be dumber to get a graduate degree. So, in fact, you are moving farther from that degree the more you write.

I had some more pictures I wanted to post too, but blogger is so screwed up with uploading pictures so these were the only ones I got up. I had that other picture of the guy falling from the building that you linked to, Laura. I think these pictures are important because they remind us of the personal affect of the attacks, and that the Islamists desire to kill individual, innocent people.

Something I learned from Dennis Prager is that everyone needs to feel like they are fighting evil. Thus the left, too ignorant and cowardly to recognize real evil, tends to fight fake evil - tobacco, homophobia, Bush. Ignoring evil is destructive to men's souls.

At 9/13/2006 7:12 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Sam's mini-rant:

I've been so riled up this week because in the 5th year anniversary of 9/11, terrorists are still getting more sympathy than the victims. I constantly hear what a war-monger Bush is and it makes me sick. Guess what losers, but THE FRICKIN TWO TOWER ATTACKS STARTED THIS WAR!!!! We need to defend ourselves because we are dealing with pure, unadulterated, evil. I remember right after the 9/11 attacks that I heard more concern about potential discrimination of Muslims than the fact that our national security was jepordized. Those attacks were planned from within, from extremists who got to live in America and revel in her freedom. (yeah I feminized America...GET OVER IT!!!!) What was it, a month ago, that more attacks were about to be carried out on the U.S. from terrorist in Great Britain, but the attack was thwarted by the grace of God. The lame-o media barely gave it a nod. Evil people are trying to destroy America. Stop fighting fake evil (props to whoever coined that phrase). I'm just glad Scary/Backwards didn't get elected because I'm sure we would have a gigantic target painted in the middle of the U.S.

Okay, I feel better. Thank you for use of this space for my rant. And please correct any of my facts as my blinding fury could have easily led me to make mistakes.

At 9/13/2006 8:58 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


Beautifully said. Also, America should be referred to in the feminine form. Countries are usually referred to as such, since women (well, at least the real ones, and there aren't a lot of those at the U) exhibit a sense of nurturing affection, safety, beauty, joy, tranquility, and something worth dying to protect. This is in contrast to the general use of the masculine pronoun to refer to either sex (i.e., in a health manual for babies: "if he is coughing..." for both boys and girls). I think to rebel along with all the liberals, though, I'll refer to America as a he, since using she has been sexist all along...

At 9/13/2006 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a conversation with a colleague of mine today about religion and violence. It came about through a comment I made about Islam's need to reform. In response, she said that evil had also been done in the name of Christianity, giving Hitler and the KKK as examples! So I asked her if Hitler and the KKK killed people in the name of Christ, like Islamists kill people in the name of Allah. She said yes! If I recall, Hitler was motivated by a belief in Arian and German superiority and hatred of Jews, while the KKK was motivated by hatred of blacks. I guess I fail to see where Christianity plays a part. This is what we're up against among some of our fellow Americans.

At 9/14/2006 2:23 PM, Blogger Chris Hill said...


Wow. That's absolutely absurd. There has been a good discussion over on my friend Jordan's blog:


about the nature of Islam's violence.


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