Maniacal Muslims

Oh mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the promised one, that perfect and pure human being, the one that will fill this world with justice and peace. Oh Lord, include us among his companions, followers and those who serve his cause.Hmmm... He is either refering to Christ, or someone else who sets up himself as Christ... Interesting.
On another note, there has been a coup in Buddhist Thailand. Here's one thing you probably haven't heard: Did you know that the leader of the coup, the head of the Army, is a Muslim? I found that interesting. Read more here.
Funny you should post this when you did. As I mentioned in one of the comments in my blog (or at least meant to...), some sects of Islam prophesy the return of what they refer to as the 12th imam in the end times. I believe that is who he is referring to. He is known to do that in almost all his speeches. Interestingly enough, some sects also believe that this 12th imam is supposed to return to prevail over seven years of peace, which is way too eery when compared to many Christian interpretations of prophecy regardying the anti-Christ.
All of this goes along with the thought I shared in those comments: that Islam is the inverse of Christianity. Their messiah is our anti-Christ. Of course, that will remain speculative until some point in the future when we're using hindsight. Anyway, it is an interesting enough thought that I've been doing some reading on it and hope in the future to make a more detailed post about the possibility of this inverse relationship.
(If I am suddenly killed off, or if there is some tragic "accident" that takes me out but doesn't seem to make sense, that means I found good proof of this and was killed off by some crazy secret which case you should collect the details, embellish them, and make lots of money making a movie about it.)
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